Results and Priority Setting is defined by successful leaders as knowing what is expected through routine checks, hitting those expectations, communicating expectations to others and holding accountable those who report to you.
It is said that the first 48hours at a job will dictate the success, attitude, and even longevity of the individual's employment at that job. This article discusses some ways that leaders and managers can take advantage of this critical time.
Following a number of observations and given some experience, you can get really good at predicting people who can and people who cannot become leaders.
It is said that the first 48hours at a job will dictate the success, attitude, and even longevity of the individual's employment at that job. This article discusses some ways that leaders and managers can take advantage of this critical time.
With the invention of portable devices like smartphones, it is now possible to be connected to the Internet, literally 24 hours a day. Are you addicted to your devices?
The 10/80/10 Model is a basic percentage breakdown of how employees behave/produce/get along in any organization. By focasing on the negative 10% we sometimes forget about the good folks who do it right