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Measuring Success in Leadership (Part 2): Getting Results and Setting Priorities
LeadershipRalph Twombly

Results and Priority Setting is defined by successful leaders as knowing what is expected through routine checks, hitting those expectations, communicating expectations to others and holding accountable those who report to you.

Helping Your Parents When The Time Comes
Business and LifeLorraine Twombly

Helping Care For Your Parents When The Time Comes

The Employee Life Cycle (Part 2 of 4)
LeadershipCraig Twombly

It is said that the first 48hours at a job will dictate the success, attitude, and even longevity of the individual's employment at that job. This article discusses some ways that leaders and managers can take advantage of this critical time.

Measuring Success In Leadership
LeadershipRalph Twombly

Following a number of observations and given some experience, you can get really good at predicting people who can and people who cannot become leaders.

Opposites Attract: When You And Your Partner Don't Agree Politically
MiscMilly Welsh

Although it can be stressful there are some benefits to disagreeing politically with your partner.

The Leadership Reflection
LeadershipRalph Twombly

There is a common theme that many leaders have that is really interesting, they underestimate the power of their influence on followers.

The Employee Life Cycle (part 1 of 4)
LeadershipCraig Twombly

It is said that the first 48hours at a job will dictate the success, attitude, and even longevity of the individual's employment at that job. This article discusses some ways that leaders and managers can take advantage of this critical time.

Book Review: Hamlet's Blackberry
Book ReviewsMilly Welsh

Book Review on William Powers new book Hamlet's Blackberry: A Practical Philosophy For Building A Good Life In The Digital Age

The One Thing That Separates Successful People From Everyone Else
CareerRalph Twombly

Find out what qualities separates successful people from everyone else.

Are You Addicted To Your Electronic Devices?
MiscMilly Welsh

With the invention of portable devices like smartphones, it is now possible to be connected to the Internet, literally 24 hours a day. Are you addicted to your devices?

The Customer
The WorkplaceCraig Twombly

Every organization has customer service standards and organizations continue to struggle with that elusive customer

The 10/80/10 Rule
Team LeadershipCraig Twombly

The 10/80/10 Model is a basic percentage breakdown of how employees behave/produce/get along in any organization. By focasing on the negative 10% we sometimes forget about the good folks who do it right

Changing Those Problem People (part 3) - Image building around the new personal behavior
CareerRalph Twombly

Tips for leaders on how to deal with an employees disruptive or disappointing behavior.