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Hope Faith Belief and Support (The Spirit Side of Humans) - Part 4
Business and LifeNormand Dubreuil

Normand Dubreuil's continues his story recounting his diagnosis of Stage IV Lung Cancer.

The Only Constant is Change
CareerStacy Rodenberger

An important part of any learning process is taking time to reflect, to consider and even document experiences and insights.

Understanding the Power Puzzle
Business ManagementDeb Sparrow

What is the allure of power? After all, once you get to the pinnacle, not only are the burdens great and the thanks few, but seemingly, the only place to go from the top is…. down.

How in an instant, your life can change!
Business and LifeLorraine Twombly

One minute you are celebrating the holidays with friends and family then in a moment you suddenly have to take care of a sick family member. How life can change in an instant.

Being A Coach: What's In It For You?
Leadership CoachingJodi Flynn

So often, when we think of the benefits of coaching, we tend to think in terms of what benefits the client receives. In truth, coaching is often a win-win situation for coaches and clients alike.

People Are Talking
Business ManagementDeb Sparrow

One thing I've learned about feedback is that it doesn't do any good if it isn't shared. Giving direct feedback takes a level of courage as many people either refuse to accept it or don't know how to do so.

I Want to Be a Manager but Not Manage People
Business ManagementJodi Flynn

If you oversee or give guidance to another human being you are a manager. it’s no easy feat to be an effective manager. By effective I mean your people are motivated.

Hope, Faith, Belief and Support (The Spirit Side of Humans) Part VI
Business and LifeNormand Dubreuil

Hope is always there if we look for it. I just needed to realize that I hit a bump in the road and now it was time for me to pick myself back up and keep moving forward with a positive attitude.

Authentic Beauty
Business and LifeChristina Carter

I stood in the same place as many young women today until one day I looked in the mirror and something finally clicked, my beauty had nothing to do with how I looked and it was never even the problem.

The Uncivil War
Workplace IssuesDeb Sparrow

There are things we can all do to help end the uncivil war, both at work and at home.

Sandwich Leadership
LeadershipDeb Sparrow

You've probably heard of the sandwich generation, consisting of those who are responsible for the care of two generations at the same time. But what is a good leader to do in the middle of this generational sandwich?

Business Coaching: A Blueprint for Success
Leadership CoachingJodi Flynn

So often, the focus on the advantages of coaching centers on individual benefits but when coaching is part of a corporate strategy, there are just as many benefits.

Leadership Intangibles
LeadershipRalph Twombly

What are those intangible qualities that make someone a great leader? There are no special tricks or technique and no gimmicks or lists, it's actually the simple stuff that makes the difference.

Coaching: What's In It For Clients?
Leadership CoachingJodi Flynn

A common questions asked by those considering a leadership coach is How will this benefit me? There are many benefits, not only to the person who is being coached but to those working around them as well.

Hope Faith Belief and Support (The Spirit Side of Humans) Part 3
Business and LifeNormand Dubreuil

Have you ever had the wind knocked out of you with devastating news? How did you recover? This is the third part of Normand Dubreuil's story outlining his battle with stage IV lung cancer.