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Facilitation and Presentation Eight-Day Series

To answer an organization's need for effective internal employee development, enabling their leaders to facilitate and deliver powerful facilitation training and development programs every step of the way. It is inspired directly by our clients and years of experience facilitating workshops, designing programs, and helping teams to be the best they can be. These eight-day workshops are state-of-the-art, with the latest technology and practical for immediate back-on-the-job execution. 


 The above have hands-on application. Each element has its own exercise/s, are discussed for clarity and purpose, and we encourage all participants to plan how they will apply the tools with their own employees between sessions as well as setting immediate goals and execution. We encourage the participants of this series to stand up and present each day from the previous day's assignment. Practice is constant during the series!!

Elelements/New Behaviors:

  • Build baselines for facilitation
  • Examine options of facilitating
  • Determine facilitation standards for appearance and behavior
  • Explore physical presence through movement, voice and listening
  • Use real-life elements and create a needs analysis for facilitation or training
  • Learn how to appreciate an audience as a learning methodology
  • Review approaches to decision making in groups
  • Practice small group design and application
  • Develop engagement techniques
  • Explore theory and the power of participation
  • Create appropriate facilitation and training methods
  • Build objectives and methods by building content
  • Use the ROPES technology
  • Design a facilitator's guide for a real event
  • Experiment with various mediums
  • Practice using guidelines for media delivery
  • Begin a workbook design
  • Learn about inquiry/coaching as a facilitation tool
  • Design questions for the audience
  • Evaluate presentations
  • Use different resources to present or facilitation
  • Helpful diagnostics and assessments
  • Handle difficult behaviors
  • Create ways to receive feedback and evaluations
  • Plan graduation presentations

For more infromation contact Lorraine Twombly


Upcoming Workshop Dates: