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Leadership Coaching

Priority Learning offers executive coaching to leaders at all levels of the organization. We use the Breakthrough Coaching Process to help everyone strategize their own development and growth.

Every person who attends a workshop, either our Leadership Tracks or On-site Programs, has his or her own coach from Priority Learning and there's no expiration date or extra costs.

Priority Learning offers Leadership Coaching and Mentoring to anyone who wants to get better at leading others and increasing their level of leadership to inspire others to greater potential. Here's a snapshot at a process that we use to enhance the experience. The process takes about six months to accomplish and the person being coached and mentored has full access to our resources, which include workshop series and our 360 Leadership Process.

Leadership Coaching and Mentoring Process


Responsiveness and communications
Getting back to people quickly, using various mediums to convey information based on the end user's needs and the will to get the information out to inform all without concern.

Results and priority setting
Knowing what is expected through routine checks, hitting those expectations, communicating expectations to others and holding accountable those who report to you. Determining what is most important and accomplishing results in a way that is aligned with the entire organization's needs.

Personal accountability
Accepting responsibility for the results of the organization in a way that invites ownership. Translating that accountability into pride and making decisions that serve the best greater interest of your organization.

Growth and development of people
Working closely with each of your people to build world class skills and behaviors, a cross functional path or a vertical strategy while building on their abilities to work with others is a core skill for all leaders.

Self-development and personal growth
There is no tomorrow without personal growth and the leaders' development needs. The will to continuously learn is a characteristic of all great leaders. The pursuit of personal excellence is a behavior all leaders of substance display.

Team development
Knowing how to build the team and executing on those knowledge components is key to the leader's job. Teams that work together for the greater good are much more valuable than individuals' contributing individually and leaders who nurture teams and place the team first enhance value to the organization and to the team members.

Personal behavior mastery
Taking a creative/entrepreneurial approach to running your business component, displaying humility, energy and determination and hunger for learning.

Approachability and humility
A leader gives off a certain feeling toward others that makes them easy or hard to approach. This requires leaders to be open, transparent and patient with others regardless of personality. This quality can make the difference between success and failure.

Leadership Coaching

EQ for Personal Coaching

Developing Life's Essential Skills and Behaviors Using a Certified Coach

If you don't want to attend a series to be at your best as an Emotional Intelligent Leader, you can use us as a coach to administer the EQ-I Leadership and Workplace Assessment, which focuses on learning about yourself, your impact on others and the essential skills to be stronger, bolder, and true to yourself as a leader and to be a great model for those around you.

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