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Priority Learning is qualified to administer the following leadership assessments that are extremely useful to the leaders who attend our workshop series. Additionally, process and in-tact teams benefit greatly from these assessments, and we design workshops specifically for teams, creating the best working environment and relationships.

Our tools help leaders to be their best...

Qualified and certified in the following assessments:

  • Myers-Briggs Type Indicator - or MBTI for short - all versions and combinations
  • Firo and Firo Business - an MBTI Product
  • California Psychological Indicator - or CPI - an MBTI Product
  • The EQ-i - an emotional intelligence indicator that we are now qualified to administer as of 2023

Leadership EQ 360

The EQ 360 is a multi-rater measure of emotional intelligence (EI) is designed to provide you with a complete "360-degree" view of your emotional and social functioning as a leader. Your report combines your self-evaluation of EI with that of your raters, providing you with a rich understanding of your EI capabilities.

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EQ for Personal Coaching

Developing Life's Essential Skills and Behaviors Using a Certified Coach

 If you don't want to attend a series to be at your best as an Emotional Intelligent Leader, you can use us as a coach to administer the EQ-I Leadership and Workplace Assessment, which focuses on learning about yourself, your impact on others and the essential skills to be stronger, bolder, and true to yourself as a leader and to be a great model for those around you. 

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Priority Learning's designed assessments:

  • 360 Leadership Assessment - designed by Priority Learning and offers at least 20 leadership traits to choose from to be assessed on - not your conventional 360 feedback assessment - it's more situational and target toward specific behaviors
  • ProLead - a Priority Learning eight-part assessment meant for leaders to use as a coaching/mentoring tool
  • Talent Assessment - designed by Priority Learning for leaders to use best practices when looking for talent in their organization
  • Organizational Cultural Six-Pillar, 60-Statement Assessment - designed by Priority Learning after years of experience helping organizations to develop into the environment they desire

For more infromation contact Lorraine Twombly
(207) 653-2552