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Leadership Development

We are Premier Leadership Development Specialists!

Priority Learning is in the business of helping leaders take care of their main assets—their people! Developing leaders is the most important strategy a business can invest in, and we offer advanced tools and approaches to developing leaders at all levels of the organization. Priority Learning consultants are time tested and qualified to facilitate leadership development processes, and we deliver the most current theories and best practices to all who strive to improve and strengthen their organization. Priority Learning engages with organizational leaders to strategize and innovate around employee development, ensuring they foster their talent, plan for the future, create the right culture, and build learning environments. 

Priority Learning believes in the potential of all people. Our transformative customized inhouse and public programs emphasize personalized approaches, participatory engagement, and authentic strategies for individual development. We work with people on their goals, challenges, and performance management. All our programs are crafted to develop new skills, behaviors, and attitudes that can be implemented immediately. At Priority Learning, our knowledge, experience, and resources develop leaders at all levels to be better, smarter, more willing, and more creative every day. Each workshop series and customized program for organizations are enhanced by a variety of assessment diagnostics and personalized analysis.

Priority Learning knows that every organization is unique. We offer a variety of development services tailored to your specific needs and will work with you to develop a plan that meets your goals and budget.

Personalized Organizational Design for groups and teams Priority Learning builds programs, workshops, and processes that reflect your organization's values and competencies. One of the best compliments we receive is when people tell us they, "Feel like they are our only client". We work with you to design and deliver programs for executives, staff, and leaders at all levels that suit the needs of a specific group. Examples include executive groups, midlevel management groups, and employee learning initiatives.

Cultural Initiatives - Priority Learning can help you assess your current environment and create your desired organizational culture by building critical mass around core values and beliefs.

Leadership Advising - Personal coaching is the singular best investment that you can make in developing others, which is why it is incorporated into everything we do. Additionally, we offer advising to leaders at all levels of the organization.

Professional/Public Development Series - Priority Learning offers dynamic series in a variety of disciplines, including building People of Potential, Direct and Line-Level Managers, Influence Leaders, Executives and more. These state-of-the art public programs range from mastering the basics of effective workplace management to developing strategic leadership skills. We provide the building blocks to improve personal performance and organizational success. Our various programs range from 40 to 80 hours over the life of the process (depending on the program) and from 4 to 10 months (again, depending on the program) of sustained learning with an intact group. Each workshop day features a development theme, participatory activities, dynamic discussions, and personal coaching.