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360 Leadership Feedback Assessment

Research shows that leaders who create proactive development plans to build their strengths, rather than "fix" weaknesses, are more likely to become leaders who excel. We focus all of our programs on building strengths. 

What is a 360 Assessment? In our case it means rating your leadership behaviors, while asking your boss, your peers, and your direct reports to do the same.

Our unique online 360 Leadership Feedback Assessment is designed for leaders who want to receive honest feedback about their leadership skills and behaviors. It evaluates how the leader performs in five competency categories, selected from the 14 categories we offer. Each leader will complete a self-assessment and will ask co-workers (such as boss, peers, and staff) to complete the assessment as observers. The assessment is confidential and anonymous - ask us about it - we'll set it up and create a comprehesive report that includes summaries and areas of improvement.

Organizational Culture 60-Statement Diagnostic

An organization's culture is the pattern of values and behaviors acquired and shared by its members. These patterns tend to persist over time, despite changes in the organization's membership. Values are common beliefs, attitudes, concerns, and goals that members share at an invisible and emotional level. People manifest their beliefs through visible behaviors and practices such as formal and informal structures, reward systems, communication, decision-making processes, and internal and external relationships. We have a dedicated page on this website - please check it out!

ProLead Mentoring and Coaching Tool

The ProLeadâ„¢ system is both a product and a process for leaders wishing to improve their performance, skills, and behaviors. It starts with a self-assessment, followed by feedback from their colleagues, and finally a plan to make changes. ProLead can inspire changes in building strengths and limiting unproductive or self-defeating behavior.

Measuring Characteristics

ProLead consists of eight leadership characteristics that are critical for success. Each characteristic has corresponding skills and behaviors. Skills are observable actions that demonstrate what leaders do. Behaviors are intrinsic motivations or qualities that describe how leaders use or implement their skills. This diagnostic is a great coaching and/or mentoring tool for succession planning and promoting leaders within the organization.

Talent Assessment

A Talent Assessment provides an organization with many options. First, the process identifies high performers in key areas for maximum benefit of both the employee and the organization. Second, the process shines a light on employees who are people of potential (POP) - employees who are willing to develop key skills and behaviors to reach that potential. Finally, the Talent Assessment recognizes at-risk individuals who generally lack the capacity and/or the will to achieve greater success. Contact us to start the process.

For more infromation contact Lorraine Twombly
(207) 653-2552