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Organizational Culture

An organization's culture is the pattern of values and behaviors acquired and shared by its members. These patterns tend to persist over time, despite changes in the organization's membership. Values are common beliefs, attitudes, concerns, and goals that members share at an invisible and emotional level. People manifest their beliefs through visible behaviors and practices such as formal and informal structures, reward systems, communication, decision-making processes, and internal and external relationships.

Our 60-Statement, 6-Part Diagnostic:

Each statement asks you to rate the "Existing" and "Preferred" culture. The rating scale is never, seldom, sometimes, often, and always. Read the statement and choose the scale word that most accurately describes what currently exists in your organization and then choose the scale word you would prefer it to be. All statements need to be rated for both existing and preferred or the diagnostic will not allow you to move on to the next section. This assessment takes about 30 minutes to complete and will need to be completed once you start it or it will time out and you'll need to start over. Click on the submit button after the last statement and your results will be tabulated. When everyone in your organization has completed the assessment, you will receive feedback on the results with an explanation regarding how your organization plans to act on your feedback.

Descriptions of the Six Categories

Section 1 - Bias for Authority -examines the way your organization is currently being directed. Please note that this and the other five sections uses the word ‘supervisor' has been used to reflect leadership and management at all levels in your organization. Assesses:

  • Predisposition to lead by command
  • Going it alone without advice from others
  • Inflated egos
  • Subservient Employees
  • Fear of retribution

Section 2 - Regulation Restriction - examines how influential processes and procedures impact your organization. This includes both internal and external restrictions placed on the organization. Assesses:

  • Rigid regulation imposed from outside
  • Excessive self-regulation imposed from Inside
  • Excessive SOPs driving individual style away
  • Diminished creativity and innovation

Section 3 - Appreciation for Employees - examines the appreciation that is given to and received by employees in your organization. Think about your own experience and what you have witnessed in your organization. Assesses:

  • High levels of recognition for accomplishments
  • High inclusion of workforce
  • Person honored beyond the job
  • Employees are valued for their unique personal value
  • Lots of celebration

Section 4 - Hunger for Excellence - examines employee's motivation and behavior. It also looks at supporting structures for teamwork and innovation practices in your organization. Assesses:

  • High levels of personal ownership
  • People hungry for success (pride)
  • Abundant idea generation
  • Esprit de corps
  • High levels of talent Identity

Section 5 - Accountability Courage - examines how your organization views success and failure. This series of statements look at sharing ideas and knowledge, the way your organization celebrates success, and how setbacks are dealt with. Assesses:

  • People taking the blame
  • People giving others credit
  • People feeling like owners
  • People holding each other accountable
  • Learning from wins and loses

Section 6 - Supporting Systems for People - examines systems for employees that support the whole work experience. Things like support from mentors and colleagues plus training practices are looked at along with overall happiness of employees. Assesses:

  • People feeling cared for
  • Training is abundant and ongoing
  • People taking the time to hear each other
  • Feelings of ongoing quest for more ownership
  • Mistakes are encouraged as a way to learn