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The Cultural Equation
Organizational CultureDeb Sparrow

In organizational culture, when one and one equals three, the magic produces both measurable and immeasurable results.

The Impact of Pine Tree Camp
Charitable OrganizationsPine Tree Camp

Kelly Walker recalls how nervous she was when she drove down the hill to Pine Tree Camp to drop off her son, Chase, for the first time. Chase had never been away from home before so she was worried about leaving him for six days.

Normand Dubreuil at a New Frontier
Business and LifeNormand Dubreuil

Normand Dubreuil's continuing journey of a 4-year cancer survivor; 2016 was a roller coaster ride but the hope is that 2017 will be a year of healing

Personal Significance: A Choice
Business and LifePeter Atherton

This is the second of a four-part article series looking at Measuring Your ROi The Return on Your Individual Impact Investment. This series is developed by ActionsProve, LLC, a new impact and significance consulting practice.

Freedom and Responsibility
Business and LifeDeb Sparrow

As we speed closer to the finish line of the presidential election of 2016, are you still paying attention to the news?

The Nonprofit Sector: More Than Charity (Part 1)
Business and LifePeter Atherton

This is the first of a four-part article series looking at Measuring Your ROi – The Return on Your Individual Impact Investment.

Adventures in Leadership
LeadershipDeb Sparrow

As Bob David would say...Stop being a boss and start being a leader who builds cultures!

Perspective on Public Statements
Business and LifeRalph Twombly

Sitting during the National Anthem is no big deal

The Deep End
miscDeb Sparrow

Thinking about the deep, dark places that we can get stuck in as humans is kind of a strange thing to be doing on a beautiful summer day, is it not? Perhaps it is proof that some of the negativity that is running rampant in our political process.

The Inelegant Art
Business and LifeRalph Twombly

For some reason people seem to be less in the mood to compromise than ever but in a world full of people writing contracts, and reading the fine print, it is still the handshake that makes the relationships work.

The Letter
Business and LifeMary Dolan

I remember writing lots of letters as a teenager growing up in Methuen, Mass. I had a long- distance romance with a heartthrob from Maryland, and the mailbox and I became conditional friends.

Got Culture?
Organizational CultureDeb Sparrow

What’s the first description that comes to mind when you think about your organization’s culture? Hopefully not toxic because ultimately, toxic can kill you.

Want to Be More Successful at Work and Everywhere Else? Invest in a Psychological Assessment
CareerAmy Wood

Psychological assessment is the process of administering a series of tests and measures to get an in-depth, well-rounded picture of an individual and how they operate.

Where Do You Want to Be?
Business and LifeDeb Sparrow

Where do you want to be? Knowing where you want to be starts with understanding where you are and why change is needed or desired.