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Leading Through Uncertainty
Business and LifeDeb Sparrow

What a time to be in leadership. It is good that you are, we need you, and I hope you are taking care of your people and yourselves.

Are You a Wilbury?
Organizational CultureDeb Sparrow

At some point in your life and work, you likely developed a strong sense of what success looks like for you. You realized who you want to be, and perhaps, where you fit. The challenge for all of us, of course, is setting our course and finding our way.

Beyond the Pale
Business and LifeDeb Sparrow

I'm not at all sure how this happened, but I just looked up and it is the first week of June. The last twelve months have been a whirlwind of change, growth, fits and starts, and the varied experiences that make up a career and a life.

Things We Carry
Business and LifeDeb Sparrow

We all carry potential. We all carry burdens. How we explore and move beyond some of our challenges is a wonderful testament to the human spirit.

Want to Get More of What You Want? Boost Your Emotional Intelligence
CareerAmy Wood

Straight As won't get you very far unless you know how to get along with yourself and others.

Trust Your Voice -Why #MeToo Matters for All of Us
Business and LifeDeb Sparrow

Who is the most powerful woman you know? Do you ever wonder how she does it, and how she became the strong person you so admire?

Me Too - For the Men Out There Listening
Business and LifeRalph Twombly

Men, if you are anything like me, you have been watching and wondering what happened to the lives of the women around us.

Honoring Normand: Hope, Belief, Support, the Ending Chapter
Business and LifeDeb Sparrow

Normand Dubreuil told his story with the incredible strength and fortitude of a remarkable man maintaining his sense of hope, belief, and support over a nearly four year battle with a terrible illness.

The Learning Zone
Business and LifeDeb Sparrow

Learning and change seem to happen outside of the comfort zone. When we are stuck, and restless, and bored, maybe that’s the answer.

Empowerment - the Next Steps
Organizational CultureRalph Twombly

Next steps in Empowerment. Last month I wrote about the prerequisites for empowerment, and promised that I would continue the conversation.

Empowerment: What does it really take to empower others?
Organizational DevelopmentRalph Twombly

Empowerment – what it means, and how to go about implementing empowerment at the leadership, team, and ultimately the organizational level.

Everybody is so nice
Charitable OrganizationsPine Tree Camp

Meet Josh, he's been a camper at Pine Tree Camp for 20 years.

10,000 Hours
CareerDeb Sparrow

“If you don’t choose to do it in leadership time up front, you will do it in crisis management time down the road.” -Stephen Covey

Discovering Skills for a Meaningful Career
Business and LifePine Tree Camp

Pine Tree Society helps people in Maine with disabilities lead richer, more socially connected lives. Too often, people with disabilities feel left out, even isolated.