Let's look back at the internet! Doesn't it seems crazy that a technology that's been main stream for less than 25 years has completely transformed the world?
What a leader does is the translation of what the leader believes, people who firmly ingrain a core belief system, good or bad, live and lead to those ingrained beliefs.
There are plenty of other powerful words that we use to express ourselves without resorting to profanity. As a leader and a student of leadership, here are ten of my favorite simple but high impact four-letter words.
Does the Glass Ceiling Really Exist? The good news about the glass ceiling is that it is glass, and therefore transparent and breakable. Not only can we see our way to the top, but there are great leaders already there who have learned the importance of l
I have seen careers setback and even ruined in meetings. The sad part is that you don't even have to attend or behave badly to be the victim of these career crushers.
Why aren't more women writing code. The percentage of female coders has actually gone down dramatically while gender equality in most other occupations has risen.
Because of the level of sharing that goes on in a Priority Learning Leadership Series, I walked out the door each day with my mind swimming with new knowledge and understanding of people and organizations.
The story of Norman Dubreuil fight with stage 4 cancer continues. 2014 starts off as a great year full of hope and improvement but suddenly Normand hits a bump in the road.
Consider the ripple effect of leadership in your organization and to you personally. We've all tossed a stone into the water and been fascinated by the visible rings and the potential power of that one act that forces water outward.
The price of incivility, how and why do smart, dedicated, creative people with proven success come to be perceived as ineffective, negative, and poor performers, seemingly overnight.
The fear of failure can sometimes paralyze us from taking action or making a decision especially when we want to succeed. Often, the actual potential failure, mistake or loss is not as bad as it's been created to be and there can be worthwhile lessons to