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Is The Glass Half Full? - Part 2
Business and LifeCraig Twombly

As we begin to look at ways to shift the balance to a more positive Half Full approach, I reflect back into my life at those that have such an approach.

Mentor Leadership
Leadership CoachingLorraine Twombly

A rut story is a negative response or an excuse to the challenges we face in life. This article explains how to turn rut stories into river stories by revising interpretations and seeing things in a new way.

Talent Discovery
Hiring and PromotingRalph Twombly

Lately we have been finding an abundance of talent that may be getting overlooked. why it is so hard to find talented people when they are right in front of us?

Transformation as a Way of Life
CareerLorraine Twombly

If we don't transform, we get left behind and, if we do, it is usually a continuous journey with lots of challenges along the way.

Grow your Product: Leadership and Entrepreneurial Strategy
LeadershipRalph Twombly

How to grow your product as a leader or an entrepreneur.

Is The Glass Half Full?
Business and LifeCraig Twombly

When I reflect back on my career and life, those that viewed the glass half full have always left a large impression and effect in my life.

Entrepreneurship from a Partner's Perspective
Business and LifeLorraine Twombly

Being married to a natural entrepreneur has been very interesting, educational, exciting, stressful and prosperous.

Show your Product: Leadership and Entrepreneurial Strategy
LeadershipRalph Twombly

Show your product: how to show you have what it takes as a leader.

Organizational and Departmental Permission
CommunicationCraig Twombly

Many organizations face issues around unclear authorization, which can lead a supervisor or manager to wait for permission before taking a risk

Book Review: Stephen R. Covey's The 3rd Alternative
Book ReviewsLorraine Twombly

Book Review: Stephen R. Covey's The 3rd Alternative

Know Your Product: Leadership and Entrepreneurial Strategy
LeadershipRalph Twombly

To succeed as a leader or an entrepreneur, you need to know whether you are promoting a product or a service.

Directive Decision Making
Team LeadershipRalph Twombly

Directive decision making is quick, ownership is clear to everyone and doesn’t require a lot of input but it breeds dependent behavior.

Consultative Decision Making
Team LeadershipCraig Twombly

Consultative decision making style is used when there is more time to make a decision on important issues and requires input from people who are impacted by those decisions.

Collaborative Decision Making
Team LeadershipLorraine Twombly

Because the collaborative style is very team-like in its approach to solving problems, it is the most appreciated of the team leadership styles.

Letting Go
Business and LifeLorraine Twombly

In motherhood and leadership, sometimes you just need to learn to let go.