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The Deep End
miscDeb Sparrow

Thinking about the deep, dark places that we can get stuck in as humans is kind of a strange thing to be doing on a beautiful summer day, is it not? Perhaps it is proof that some of the negativity that is running rampant in our political process.

Personal Best
miscDeb Sparrow

Do you remember the last time you felt like you were at your ‘personal best’? There always seems to be room for improvement.

Moments of Possibility
MiscMary A. Gagnon

Moments of possibility, we tend to think of what could be as a future goal, something that is still out of reach. What if what could be was right now?

Eat To Live Or Live To Eat
miscRalph Twombly

Is it money that motivates people to work or is it something else?

Social Media for Small Businesses on a Budget
MiscMike McKeen

These days online marketing is incredibly complex and it can be difficult to know exactly where to spend your marketing dollar and how much. Here is how to do it on a budget.

Changes In Search Engine Optimization
MiscMilly Welsh

What your business needs to know about the recent changes in SEO (search engine optimization) and how it effects your business website.

Creating A Google+ Business Page
MiscMilly Welsh

Milly Welsh goes through the process of creating a Google + page for your business.

4 Simple Tips for Building A Better Web Presence
MiscMilly Welsh

Right now is a great time to build or redesign a website. The Internet has really grown up and devices like smart phones having given us access virtually all the time. With all the changes it's important to make sure that your website isn't lagging behind

Why SOPA & PIPA Could Change The Internet As We Know It
MiscMilly Welsh

Why SOPA & PIPA Could Change The Internet As We Know It.

Selling Your Stuff Online
MiscMilly Welsh

Learn what types of things sell online and the difference between Amazon and ebay.

QR Codes: A Great New Marketing Technology
MiscMilly Welsh

If you are always looking for creative ways to promote your business, there is a great new technology called QR codes that you need to know about!

Spam Prevention Tips
MiscMilly Welsh

If you have an email address, it’s a pretty safe bet that you have a problem with unsolicited emails, AKA Spam.  For both organizations and individuals, the war waged in the inbox with unsolicited emails can be a costly one.

Opposites Attract: When You And Your Partner Don't Agree Politically
MiscMilly Welsh

Although it can be stressful there are some benefits to disagreeing politically with your partner.