Normand Dubreuil told his story with the incredible strength and fortitude of a remarkable man maintaining his sense of hope, belief, and support over a nearly four year battle with a terrible illness.
Pine Tree Society helps people in Maine with disabilities lead richer, more socially connected lives. Too often, people with disabilities feel left out, even isolated.
This is the second of a four-part article series looking at Measuring Your ROi The Return on Your Individual Impact Investment. This series is developed by ActionsProve, LLC, a new impact and significance consulting practice.
For some reason people seem to be less in the mood to compromise than ever but in a world full of people writing contracts, and reading the fine print, it is still the handshake that makes the relationships work.
I remember writing lots of letters as a teenager growing up in Methuen, Mass. I had a long- distance romance with a heartthrob from Maryland, and the mailbox and I became conditional friends.