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Knowledge Versus Good Behavior

Written by: Lorraine Twombly
Published: September 2011

During the last six months, particularly, I've noticed that there are lots of people who are very knowledgeable, educated, and have life-long experiences to "bank on." Some people's knowledge banks are filled with good intentions and ideas, and have skills to bring them forward in their business world with ease and with the support of others willing and able. Most people choose models who share the same ideas and resonate with their value sets or principals. These people have great EI or emotional intelligence.

However, not to knock traditional leadership styles, such as autocratic or directive, those styles are needed in certain environments, like the military or paramilitary organizations. I’m talking about organizations whose leadership favors power as their culture. If you want a quick review of culture, click on this link about, Organizational Culture and it will provide some background from a previous article. Some people find out later in life that, because they backed the more traditional model, they’ve been vulnerable to a lack of trust from their employees and talked about in a negative way throughout the organization. When this happens, almost certainly people will somehow, someway and when the time is right, sabotage that leader's potential.

I've seen this happen no less than five times since working as a coach. This style of leadership is considered bad behavior and just because they are smart and can do their job doesn't mean they can be negative or mean-spirited. Every time someone gets severely reprimanded or losses their jobs because of bad behavior as a leader, I wonder why they are not looking to learn more about and analyze their leadership style and then to truly do something about setting goals in order to motivate people in a positive way.

It could's how to set up great communications, which includes trust, productivity, and your employees will have your back and you can "bank on" being their leader:

  • If the description sounds a bit like you or close to it, we suggest that you to look in the mirror or think about your staff and how they've reacted to the style or behaviors you've exhibited. Ask for feedback if you don't have specific behaviors that people find disrespectful. (360 Assessment is a great tool that will help keep this type of feedback on a professional level).
  • Find someone to talk to about the dilemma (a mentor, coach, trusted friend, person who can help and support) and discuss some ideas and create dialogue and set up an "expectations" plan, which is the leader's expectations for the staff that outlines positive behaviors and then the staff's for the leader (Here is a good example by Craig, Expectations Exercise).
  • Schedule a meeting with your team and discuss expectations outlined and get your staff's expectations of you and let them know how you will accomplish their needs or let them know why it’s not possible.
  • Develop a good feedback process to keep you and your employees in check or accountable to the goals and expectations set by the team.
  • Ask for input on projects for the team and allow people to voice their opinions and ideas.
  • Let your boss know everything you are working on to gain a better, more productive team.
  • Revisit how the team is doing on a monthly basis (at the least).
  • TRY IT...IT WORKS!!!

When employees see for themselves that you are serious about changing your leadership style to one that resonates with them, you have developed the trust and respect that you can "bank on."

Please let me know your feedback and comments...thanks for reading!!

Lorraine Twombly

Lorraine Twombly