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Mastering Emotional Intelligence

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Developing Life's Essential Skills and Behaviors

mastering emotional intelligence

This seven-day program will help you learn about yourself, your impact on others and teach you the essential skills to be stronger, bolder, and true to yourself while being better for those around you. Like all Priority Learning programs, it is interactive, built on real life skills and related behaviors.

You will receive your own personalized Emotional Intelligence evaluation, workbook and learners guide complete with exercises and ways to grow your EI quotient.

You will receive your own personalized Emotional Intelligence evaluation, workbook and learners guide, complete with exercises and ways to grow your EI quotient. Each session starts at 8:30 am and ends by 4:30. Food is included: breakfast, snacks, soft beverages, and lunch is provided in a comfortable setting. Two personal coaching sessions are also included!!

Day 1: Introduction

  • Learning to Learn
  • Diagnostic Preview
  • Coaching Essentials

Day 2: Self-Perception

  • Goal Setting
  • Self-reguard
  • Self-actualization
  • Emotional self-awareness

Day 3: Self-Expression

  • Emotional expression
  • Assertiveness
  • Independence
  • Emotional language
  • Managing v. Coping

Day 4: Interpersonal

  • Interpersonal relationship
  • Empathy
  • Social responsibility
  • Appreciative Inquiry
  • Mastering Body Language
  • Making Connections

Day 5: Decision Making

  • Problem solving
  • Reality Testing
  • Impulse control
  • Mindfulness
  • Systemic Thinking
  • Mental Models

Day 6: Stress Management

  • Flexibility
  • Stress Tolerance 
  • Optimisim
  • Rule Bending
  • Positive Stressors
  • Organizational Skills

Day 7: What To Do With All This?

  • Planning your Future
  • Inviting your Mentor or Guide
  • Graduation Discussion and Expectations

Series Testimonials:

"This Priority Learning course was a deep dive into understanding our own emotional intelligence and how EQ applies to our relationships with others, both personal and professional. Early on, we each took a personal assessment to understand where our areas of strength and weakness were. This allowed us to explore the various elements of emotional intelligence while simultaneously challenging ourselves to look through different lenses and consider how our own behavior, and that of others, could impact both workplace dynamics and those in our own circle. I can't even begin to quantify that valuable lessons and take-aways this class afforded me. While not always easy to peer inwards, I would encourage anyone who has the desire to become a better human to take this class. It really is a journey we should all take."
Ben Teitelbaum of Southworth Products

"It was an amazing experience for me."
Malaika Picard of the City of Saco Fire Department

For more information contact Lorraine Twombly


Upcoming Workshop Dates:

Upcoming Dates TBD